How Does it Work?

The setup we use is very reliable and training is provided on night one.
Below is an overview of how it all works.

Choose your Equipment

We have kept this super simple, to begin with we are offering our 90mm refractor package and the only choice to make is whether you would like a mono or colour camera. Some customisation is possible but we strongly advise against it as we believe the stock equipment package will suit most peoples needs and having identical setups allows us to keep the costs down.

Get in Touch - Sign Up

Once you have decided to go-ahead, get in touch to sign up. You can rent a setup month to month or if you commit to a full year of rental then you can save £50 a month!

Once you have signed the contract and made payment we will arrange to get you setup and trained.

Initial training

On your first night we will go through a one-to-one virtual training session with you to help you get connected to your remote PC and to go through the full process of using the software, capturing images, downloading data and starting up / shutting down your telescope.

The PC and imaging capture software will already be setup and the equipment completely ready to go - no drivers to install, ASCOM to setup or cable to route!

Don’t worry - it’s a lot to take in but we will remain available all through your rental period to help with any software / hardware issues you may have.

Dedicated setup

Whilst in your rental period you have full, direct access to the control PC, so you can image whatever, whenever and however you want.

We remain responsible for the equipment, so we will provide a solution onsite if there is a hardware failure. With this in mind, we have adopted a modular approach that ensures spares are readily available to minimise downtime. And have carefully selected equipment that we know is reliable, performs well and delivers excellent results.


We provide you with a login using remote access software to a dedicated mini-PC connected to your rig. This will be preinstalled with all the software you need and configured so you can be up and running straightaway.

We have a high-speed internet connection ensuring a smooth experience when connected remotely and we can help you setup automatic file transfers to download your imaging data directly to your local machine.

If you are unfamiliar with the software we use, don’t worry we can cover this during your initial training session.


We have done all the boring logistical and setup parts for you and we will keep the software and hardware up and running so you can concentrate on imaging under superbly dark skies where we see 200+ clear nights a year.